Hi everyone!!! Wow - it's been a while since I've posted, but really it seems like just yesterday... Life is just too crazy lately!
Just a quick reminder that your pajama sew-along pics are due into the group pool - please submit your entry no later than midnight this Wed. for your chance to win the new book ONE YARD WONDERS and some yummy fabric from my stash :)
Happy sewing! ~ Kris
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Ice Cream, Ice Cream....
(I have an ever-growing obsession with the Munki Munki fabrics out there...)
A closer look at the uber-cuteness:
PS: I've extended the FREE US and CANADA shipping deal in my Etsy shop thru 11/30!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Sunday, November 08, 2009
A new fall bag...
Laura Gunn is the genuis behind this fabric - it's simply GORGEOUS!
(Orange Lanters for the strap fabric)
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
So. Stinkin. Cute.
Found this in Walmart yesterday -
and as Sydney said "Momma (hee hee hee) - the cocoa has little arms!"
Love it!
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Monday, November 02, 2009
November is Sale Month in my Etsy shop!
Let the shopping season begin!
Every day this month I'll be posting a different ON SALE bag in my etsy shop.
Today's winner is......
Dig It! (size Medium) ($14)- a favorite of all boys
... can't beat the cool trucks!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Lunch Goodies
I had an ETSY order this week for some fun lunch bags and matching napkins from a momma for her daughters (what a great gift idea!):
(the inside has ProCare lining and the seams are sealed; dimensions = ~ 9" wide x 10" tall x 2" bottom)
I've made a few of these before and have been meaning to make one for Sydney to bring to school....
Now she's got one!
I added a snap to the strap so she can attach it onto her backpack if it happens to be too filled up from odds and ends from school. She loves it :) Now I think Ben will need one for his outings with Dad!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Being Thrifty (or cheap?)
Here's the scoop- we live in NH and it's pretty darned cold here about half the year. When you have babies, it can be tricky to keep them warm (yet safe) at night - that's why we all love sleep sacks! The problem, though, is that they don't make them past the XL size (~ 31")... if you're like me and don't feel comfortable letting your kids use blankets until they are ~ 18 months old, you can be out of luck if you have a big kid. We have big kids - I'm talking 99th percentile kids... (I think I have Miracle Grow in my breast milk :))
When Sydney grew out of all of the sleep sacks we had, I made her one and she loved it. Baby #2 (Ben) used the same bag every night and loved it as well. Baby #3... well, I can't seem to find the sleeper (imagine that.... not being able to find one article of clothing in the bazillion boxes of baby clothes I have upstairs), and given that THIS IS OUR LAST BABY (I swear!) I didn't want to buy something new. So I cut up the bottom of the one that he just grew out of and added about 8 or so more inches of some scrap fleece to it. Also added a little RED SOX logo thingy at the upper left part of the sleeper - couldn't resist :)
When Sydney grew out of all of the sleep sacks we had, I made her one and she loved it. Baby #2 (Ben) used the same bag every night and loved it as well. Baby #3... well, I can't seem to find the sleeper (imagine that.... not being able to find one article of clothing in the bazillion boxes of baby clothes I have upstairs), and given that THIS IS OUR LAST BABY (I swear!) I didn't want to buy something new. So I cut up the bottom of the one that he just grew out of and added about 8 or so more inches of some scrap fleece to it. Also added a little RED SOX logo thingy at the upper left part of the sleeper - couldn't resist :)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
It's National Breast Cancer Awareness Month! (and winner is announced)
Howdy everyone! Hope you're staying warm.... I feel like winter is going to slam down on us tomorrow and scare the unfallen leaves off the trees a bit prematurely. What happened to fall? I think we had about a whole 2 weeks of it :( I guess we should be grateful for at least that...
Anyways, as most of you know, it is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month! When I spotted this fabric (see pic below), I knew some bags needed to be made with it. I posted a Small and Large Wet Bag set in my ETSY shop this AM and 10% of the proceeds of the sale of this set will be donated to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Need a different size? Drop me a line and I can make what you need :)
Anyways, as most of you know, it is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month! When I spotted this fabric (see pic below), I knew some bags needed to be made with it. I posted a Small and Large Wet Bag set in my ETSY shop this AM and 10% of the proceeds of the sale of this set will be donated to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Need a different size? Drop me a line and I can make what you need :)
Small (9" x 7")
Large (14" x 14")
I absolutely love the positive words scattered throughout this fabric - I call it "Inspiration Birds" :)
Oh! I also need to thank you guys for the fantastic recipes posted in the Slow Cooker post - my family thanks you as well :) I have printed them out and will start using them this week I hope- I'll let you know how they turn out!
As for the winner of the draw..... the random # generator computed Lucky # 13!!!
The veggie lasagna sounds AWESOME!
Thanks to everyone who participated! :) Kris
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Mornin' everyone! Just a quick reminder that today is your last chance to submit your yummy Slow Cooker recipe to THIS BLOG POST for your chance to win a Large Almond Sparrows Wet Bag! I just printed up all of the recipes that have been submitted thus far - can't wait to start cookin'!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Unexpected Visitor
I started off the morning trying to get ready before the kids got up - baseball hat, jeans, shirt, raincoat - DONE! (I don't even bother to try and shower before getting out of the house most days). I then stopped for a minute and listened... the rain that pounded the windows all morning had stopped! Yey! But wait a minute... what's that white stuff coming down from the sky - SERIOUSLY?! SNOW?! Back into the closet went the raincoat and out came the winter coat ...
When I came downstairs with the kids, Sydney was beside herself with excitement... she ran to the back room, looked out side and saw our poor little wheely cow out there:
"Momma! Cow is cold!"
"Yep, Syd, I bet you're right... he's covered in snow!"
Poor little thing :( By the time I got to him to clean him off this AM he was completely covered. Got to remember to keep him inside!
He's not the only one caught off guard...
After a tough summer of trying to grow, this lily finally bloomed last week...
And this dahlia... well, I don't think she'll ever have the chance to show her beautiful face...
Here's to warmer thoughts for tomorrow! :)
Friday, October 09, 2009
Let's get sewing!
Ready to get some holiday sewing done?!
Stacy and I are giving a double thumbs-up to the PAJAMA Sew-Along idea for October and November. Please join us and submit your WIP pics and Finished Project pics to our Flickr site by Nov 30th for your chance to win a new copy of the soon-to-be-released ONE YARD WONDERS and some yummy fabric from my stash (only finished products are eligible for the drawing). I'm sure I'll be posting some questions there as well - garment sewing is not quite my forte...
As for other odds and ends, I recently found a new fabric company that has some gorgeous fabrics: STUDIO E fabrics...
The bag below is made from fabrics in the FLOURISH collection and it just screams Fall to me! I just posted it in my Etsy shop HERE.
I also REALLY like this fun black and white print!
One of my friends just stopped by to pick up some goodies that I made for her daughter - 5 cloth napkins, 3 XS bags (snack bags) and 3 small bags. I loved trying out some new fabrics (check out the cute ducks)!
Off to tend to the kiddos - just had a golden 15 minutes when they were all napping at the same time.
Quite blissful on a Friday afternoon :)
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Beep! Beep! and UFO's :(
Happy Fall everyone! I need to take some pictures up before we have leaf off - the colors are amazing!
So... um, about the UFO thing - nope, I don't have any cool space themed fabric to share. I'm referring to my sew-along project... it's officially being added to my UnFinished Objects pile. So sad :( I thought I would have finished it, but just couldn't - maybe this winter? Stacy is in the same boat as me - and looking at the lack of posts in the Flickr album, we think you guys are too!
What do you all think of the idea of making Pajamas for an Oct/Nov sew-along?!
October is National Pajama Month (who knew?! - Stacy filled me in on that one!) and I sure need some new flannel jammies. Sydney also already picked out a pattern for her nightgown, so I think we're definitely in! Let us know what you think!
As for a prize, we're thinking of:
(1) a copy of the yet-to-be-released ONE YARD WONDERS book, and
(2) some yummy fabric!
As for the Beep! Beep!...
Off to finish up some new bags - hopefully I can post them tomorrow!
PS: Don't forget to post a slow cooker recipe on my last post for a chance to win a large almond sparrows wet bag!
PS: Don't forget to post a slow cooker recipe on my last post for a chance to win a large almond sparrows wet bag!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Slow Cookin'! (and a giveaway!)
Is it seriously almost October?! This month has just zoomed by... It started off with us all having colds, then I got a sinus infection... no fun. School and fall activities started and learning to juggle 3 kids under 3 1/2 with all of this... WOW. I feel like a pretty busy momma these days. On top of it sales have been at their all-time high (yey!) and I'm working on lots of fun new things to add to the line - we all love coordinating accessories, right?! :) Hopefully within the next few months I'll have things all organized and be able to launch it all. Keep your fingers crossed!
I think one of the best things I've done this month is to re-visit the slow cooker. I seriously L-O-V-E it!!!! Dinner tonight took me 6 minutes to prepare. And it was healthy. And it was good. And it finished cooking while we were all at the playground. Love that. Would so much rather play than cook any night!

I think one of the best things I've done this month is to re-visit the slow cooker. I seriously L-O-V-E it!!!! Dinner tonight took me 6 minutes to prepare. And it was healthy. And it was good. And it finished cooking while we were all at the playground. Love that. Would so much rather play than cook any night!
Got a favorite slow cooker recipe? Please share your favorites! There are a ton on the web, but I'd so much rather try your favorites :)
Post them here before October 15 and you'll be entered to win an Almond Sparrows Large (14" x 14") Wet bag (one of my best sellers!). I'll use the random number generator to pick a winner and announce the winner on Oct 16th.
Speaking of Almond Sparrows, here's a super cute small double pocket bag made for another wonderful Etsy customer earlier in the month: (tweet tweet!)
Happy fall everyone! :)Kris
Post them here before October 15 and you'll be entered to win an Almond Sparrows Large (14" x 14") Wet bag (one of my best sellers!). I'll use the random number generator to pick a winner and announce the winner on Oct 16th.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Yup, I'm talking about the Sew Along! We're thinking that perhaps it was a bit ambitious of us to think we'd get these projects done over the summer.... hindsight :) Here's to another month! Let's hope this one will be super-productive for all of us!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Double the Fun!
August has definitely brought tons of life to the woods around us - there's a fisher cat that has been stalking our house at night, I saw a black bear running down the street yesterday afternoon (SOOOO happy we didn't plant blueberry bushes or sunflowers!) and then tonight I found this little froggie hanging out on the window by our front door - too cute! (that yellow blob is Higgins, our yellow lab). We have HUNDREDS of these little froggies scurrying about the yard lately - some days it look like we have a bunch of fleas jumping all around :)

Sewing-wise I've been working on a slew of new custom orders, including several of the double-pocket wet bags. I love this bag b/c it's so incredibly functional - the front pocket is lined with ProCare (as well as the large inner pocket) and the seams are sealed too, so you can put wet stuff in 2 pockets! I think the large would be perfect for a gym bag for girls - hair stuff and deo in the the front, and stinky clothes inside :) For the cloth-diapering folk, the front can hold dry dipes or wet wipes, and the inside can hold the wet dirties. So many possibilities :)
A lovely customer from CA called the other week and requested some bags - here's some of what's coming to her:
Large Double Zip Stroller bag (2 snap straps!)
in Blue Gothic Rose and Clay Coriander
in Blue Gothic Rose and Clay Coriander

XL Double Zip bag with long adjustable and removeable strap
in Olive Lacework and Lime Dot
(there are d rings at the top and sides so the strap can be attached 2 different ways - hands free carrying!)
in Olive Lacework and Lime Dot
(there are d rings at the top and sides so the strap can be attached 2 different ways - hands free carrying!)

Hopefully this weekend I can finish up the Sew-Along project. Where the heck did August go?!
Happy Back to School Everyone!! :) Kris
Happy Back to School Everyone!! :) Kris
Monday, August 24, 2009
Snack It!
I love when I get little notes from customers saying : "Kris, can you make this?" That's why I REALLY love Etsy - I've been given opportunities to make so many fun things that I likely never would have ever thought of!
Behold the snack bag. They are pretty popular these days and actually were on my little "To Try" list - always looking for a creative way to use up my scraps - especially the ProCare because, well, you can't really go and make a ProCare scrap quilt!
When Lynsie asked me to try making a 6" x 6" bag, I knew exactly which scrap to use - so happy to have found these critters a home!

There's a few things I need to change next time, but it's a keeper :) I still seal the seams, and the closure at the top is velcro. Thinking little tabs at the top would be nice to help opening it. What do you guys think?
Behold the snack bag. They are pretty popular these days and actually were on my little "To Try" list - always looking for a creative way to use up my scraps - especially the ProCare because, well, you can't really go and make a ProCare scrap quilt!
When Lynsie asked me to try making a 6" x 6" bag, I knew exactly which scrap to use - so happy to have found these critters a home!

There's a few things I need to change next time, but it's a keeper :) I still seal the seams, and the closure at the top is velcro. Thinking little tabs at the top would be nice to help opening it. What do you guys think?
Monday, August 17, 2009
For Thel :)
Thanks again for the opportunity to make this bag for you Thel!
(Bag Details: Double Pocket Wet Bag - Sealed Seam ProCare lining for both pockets; ~ 13" wide x 10" high x 5" deep; Removable and Adjustable Clip strap and matching key fob to boot! Moda Wonderland Fabric: Cream Tea Time and Jam Metamorphosis)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Free Shipping ends on 8/15!
Hello everyone! Just a quick reminder that I'm offering FREE US and Canada shipping in my etsy shop on purchases of in-stock bags until 8/15. I posted some newbies recently:
Euro Owls
(LOOOOOOVE this one! - anyone know who the designer is?)

Cosmo Textile's Owls (so cute for school!)

Red Mirabelle (small, med and lg available)

Amy Butler Brick Buds
(small, med and lg available)

Urban Chik's Blue Birds on Brown
(sniff, sniff - this is the last bit of fabric that I have in this print)

There's also a bunch of old favorites as well - Mocca, Olive Lacework, Apples and Pears on Blue, Brown Birds on Pink dots, and more!
(LOOOOOOVE this one! - anyone know who the designer is?)

Cosmo Textile's Owls (so cute for school!)

Red Mirabelle (small, med and lg available)

Amy Butler Brick Buds
(small, med and lg available)

Urban Chik's Blue Birds on Brown
(sniff, sniff - this is the last bit of fabric that I have in this print)

There's also a bunch of old favorites as well - Mocca, Olive Lacework, Apples and Pears on Blue, Brown Birds on Pink dots, and more!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Slacker.... (sew-along update)
Well, the sew-along projects are due to be done soon, but... well.... I haven't quite finished mine yet and neither has Stacy, so we're thinking maybe you all are in the same boat as we are :)
How does an extension to Aug 31 sound?
AND, we'd like to open it to include any top pattern of your choice. Have your eye on a special tunic? A peasant blouse? Go for it!
Don't know about you, but summer is just zooming by! Matthew turns 4 months old already next week - I have a feeling that my blur of a summer has a lot to do with him and juggling the other 2 little monkeys :)
How does an extension to Aug 31 sound?
AND, we'd like to open it to include any top pattern of your choice. Have your eye on a special tunic? A peasant blouse? Go for it!
Don't know about you, but summer is just zooming by! Matthew turns 4 months old already next week - I have a feeling that my blur of a summer has a lot to do with him and juggling the other 2 little monkeys :)
Not much sewing news to report - I have been missing my Wonderland fabric though, so I made some of these tonight. (click here to see the listing). Free shipping on all etsy orders ends tomorrow!

Hopefully next post I'll have some sew-along pics for you!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
April Showers bring....
Well, if you live in the Northeast, they bring May, June and July Showers! We've got our fingers crossed that August will bring us some sunshine. We all REALLY need it :)
In the spirit of our weather-of-late, here's a new bag I just posted in my Etsy shop
(April Showers fabric by Alexander Henry)
(April Showers fabric by Alexander Henry)

BTW - I'm offering FREE US SHIPPING on all in-stock purchases from my Etsy shop until 7/31!
I've posted a bunch of new ones in the past week :)
Oh!! I have to share my latest favorite "mommy bling" by Lisa Leonard Designs.
Now that I'm officially done having babies (sniff, sniff), I've been wanting to get some neat things with the kids' names / initials on them. Below are pictures of my new teeny tiny initials necklace:
(picture to show the scale of the necklace - yes, that's Matthew's little head there poking up!)
Oh!! I have to share my latest favorite "mommy bling" by Lisa Leonard Designs.
Now that I'm officially done having babies (sniff, sniff), I've been wanting to get some neat things with the kids' names / initials on them. Below are pictures of my new teeny tiny initials necklace:
(picture to show the scale of the necklace - yes, that's Matthew's little head there poking up!)

Close-up of the necklace:

Saturday, July 18, 2009
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