Jen over at BeeBee Mod has tagged me to share a bit about blogging. Here we go!
1. Why did you start your blog?
To be honest, I thought blogging was a pretty silly idea when my techie-bother, Ken, first explained it to me a few years ago. “But Ken, what do people write about? And who the heck reads it?”. I think this discussion occurred back when I was working full-time out of the house, and had no children. My life was extremely different than it is now.
Fast forward a couple of years…
It’s the same as my company name, which is named after my daughter, Sydney. When she was born, she was only 6 lb 12 oz, but had HUGE feet. The nurses couldn’t stop talking about them, and we couldn't stop calling her Monkey Foot. When the time came soon afterwards to come up w/ a co. name, hubby suggested this one and it stuck.
I think so. My sister-in-law, Sue, definitely does. Not sure about the rest – I don’t ask. I know some friends check in now and again, but my craft/fabric talk probably bores most of them!
4. How do you write posts?
Usually sitting at my desk while I’m nursing Ben. Sorry if that’s TMI, but that’s the truth. It’s one of the only times of the day that I kind of have to myself. Syd is usually sleeping, so there is only one child to tend to.
Nope! Yey!
6. Do you check your stats? Do you care how many people read your blog? If you do care, how to you increase traffic?
I check stats maybe once every month or two. I don’t really care how many people read it but I love to get comments, so maybe I do care … Anyways, I don’t do anything to increase traffic – not sure how one might go about that!
7. What kind of blogs/posts interest you?Obviously craft blogs (more specifically sewing and textile blogs). I also love when people add pictures and give tutorials. I’m good about the former, but not the later. I’m sure I’d be interested in more topics if I took the time to explore, but again, that lack of time thing gets in the way.
8. What do you like and dislike about blogging?
Dislike: Hmmm….. there’s nothing I really don’t like about it (other than I still haven't figured out how to change some of the settings to improve the visual presentation of my blog).
Can't wait to see what you have to say!**

My favorite purchase of all is a simple silverware organizer - I can't get over how one little thing can make me smile every time I see it. Also love this duvet cover- looks great with the brown walls in our bedroom (and you can't beat the $25 price tag!).

I think I got a bit wordy, but I answered all the questions!
BTW, I love your Ikea goodies - I'm so jealous!
I love the fabric from IKEA, I have to admit that I never think of IKEA for fabric, but you have inspired me and now I can't wait to go.
I love-love-love Ikea's fabric. Perfect for tote bags. Hmmm I just got an idea for Christmas presents as I was typing that!
I just found your blog! (Start Arnold Schwartznegger voice) "I'll be back"
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