As for the project that I'll be making, I don't even need to count the responses - the lap quilt is the definite winner. It's sitting on my cutting table as I type (with a started Princess Twirl Skirt for Syd and some yummy Ginger Blossom whose destiny has yet to be determined), waiting to be cut this weekend.

Hate to skip around on projects, but something in me needs to get this done before making the pleated bag. Probably my need to work with some bright and "spring"y fabric.... can you believe that we still have a few feet of snow on the ground, and that more is coming tomorrow? Oi Vei!
Oh my! I probably shouldn't tell you that it was in the 50's today and we played outside ... wishing warm weather for you!
We're supposed to get snow tomorrow - it feels like winter will never end...
I'm so glad you're making the quilt, it's going to look gorgeous!
Thank You! I'm so excited!!!!
Wow, now that's some snow! What a difference, the awesome ginger bliss is in stark contrast to the frozen tundra outside!
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