Before I forget, Happy Holidays everyone! And for everyone who celebrated Christmas last week, I hope you had a fun day filled with carols, cookies and friends / family :) We spent Christmas Eve day with my in-laws in Boston and had such a fun time - a big part of the day's success was that the kids were incredible! Sydney was a champ and gobbled up all of the attention (I finished the skirt!)

... and Ben was in bliss being held all day by everyone. Definitely a ladies man! Christmas wasn't really as fun - hubby was on call at the hospital and spent most of the afternoon there. Sydney was cranky from not napping the day before and generally being off schedule, and Ben decided to start an eating marathon at 2 am (and didn't stop until ~ 10 that night). We did have fun opening gifts and hanging out all day - just wish we were all well-rested!
I didn't get to make as many hand-made gifts this year as I'd have liked to, but there's always next year :) One of my favorite gifts are these fun coasters (from this book):

I did finally finish Auntie Lou's scarf - I flipped out though one night when I lost one of my knitting sticks... I had a couple inches left to go! Luckily I found it under the sofa:). It has a keyhole opening at the end so you can stick the other end through it and keep it snug against you.

Hubby loved the scarf so much that he wants a "really long one" for himself. I've got about 10 inches done so far and a loooooooong way to go!
I do have a few other gifts to share, but I have to wait until they've been gifted (I'll be seeing my family in NJ/PA in the new year - can't wait!)
Didn't know if you all had checked out Amy Butler's Free Patterns lately, but she's got some FABULOUS things posted there!

Off to bed now... sweet dreams everyone! We'll be getting lots more of this stuff tonight...

wow! Everything is so lovely. I can't believe you learned to knit so quickly and the scarf turned out so great! I still have 'over worked brain/body' syndrome and can't seem to comprehend my knitting directions! ha! I'm going to put it aside until I can actually concentrate :) Merry Christmas!
Omigosh. the snow. I want some. Glad you had a great visit...you can come and visit us if you are going to be in PA!!!
I love the goodies you got! I also love the coasters and bird - and the packaging is gorgeous!
Happy New Year!
You do really great work! How is knitting? I have always wanted to learn...maybe something to think about for the New Year.
Wishing you a wonderful new year Kris. Looking forward to the arrival of your Lecien bird fabric.
Awww, thanks again for your kindness. Your little Sydney looks adorable in her little skirt!
Knitting Sticks! You are so funny. I am laughing so hard.
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