Hmm... Couldn't quite figure it out, but then it dawned on me - that's just the level that the running board hits my legs when I reach into the back to get the kids in and out of their carseats. I am so done with winter already and it's only December.
I've finally shipped out the last of my wholesale and large custom orders and have started to work on Christmas gifts. Auntie's scarf is 2/3 the way done (I've figured out how to knit while nursing!). Hoping to also get a few cute things made from this book and this book.
Last night I thought that I'd be able to finish up this twirl skirt for Sydney...

...but ran out of the cute snowball trim. URGH!!!! Luckily there is a Joanne's near the dentist, so I was able to pop in there with Ben after my appointment. I needed a little retail therapy after that visit... he cried for most of the time (I was having the prep work done for a crown, so we were there for a while). The women at the office were incredible though, and held /walked him the entire time that I was there. Made their days to have a baby around - and I think they also like seeing who was the best at settling him down :)
Before I sign off, I have to share a new pattern line that Adrienne recently introduced me to: Montessori By Hand. I love the Reading Pillow idea - quite clever. Meg, the designer, will be releasing a cute new apron pattern as well in Jan - looks quite femmy, yet functional!
I think my pants look like that and I don't even have kids in carseats.... just problems getting in and out of cars1 I love the skirt - it's adorable.
The pants are too funny! I usually look down at my shirt and have someone elses carrots, peas, etc on them...That was very sweet of you to link to my new blog. Thanks! Good luck getting your Christmas sewing done (and your dental work - ugh ;-} )
How super weet of your dentists assistants!
Oooh, you found Meg. I really like her pillow pattern. I made 3 for christmas gifts and hopefully one day will make myself one. I posted them in her yohoo group (dew Happy Apple is me :) I can't wait for her apron.
Oh i thought the pant thing was a Canadian thing! i too have those pants... with the kids now, i swear I just wear the grubbiest clothes, because even after leaving the house in clean clothes, i came home an hour later with dirty pants from the truck, the bottoms soaked because they are slightly long, and cheesy finger prints on my hoodie - and i don't remember giving either one of my kids cheese. huh..!
I keep thinking that's the mark of a mom, period! HA! Yes, monterssori be hand is awesome. She makes wonderful things!
That's so funny! Thanks for the great links. Love the apron, very feminine. I must make it.
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