Hello everyone! Wow... it's been a crazy busy (but over-all fun) week. I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day!
We had a gorgeous day here, so Syd and I headed to the flower store (okay... Walmart) and filled the cart with 2 shopping baskets of flowers and sundry flower planting goodies. Spring fever hit pretty hard :) Luckily Syd napped when we came home, so I was able to spend a peaceful chunk of time in the outdoors setting up some hanging baskets and window boxes to pretty up the front of the house. I love coming home to a porch filled with flowers!

The rest of the week was filled with finishing up some EBAY
bag and
belt orders, some skirt sets and some birthday fun. Tuesday ended up being a very fun day and I had a great birthday! Thanks for the b-day wishes everyone!
I've got a bunch of pics to post so I'll try to make my dialog brief :)
Here's a new patchwork bag (thanks again Kathryn!)- This one is made with fabrics from the Amy Butler Full Bloom Line:

Here's a cute set for Syd for a shin-dig we attended the other night - I absolutely love the Amy Butler curry kimono / cathedral window print and have been itching to make this set for her. I meant to get a picture of her in it... oh well... It's supposed to be warm this week (fingers crossed...) so I'll try and get a picture.

Here's a smattering of some of the mother's day and b-day gifts sent out a bit ago. I made glasses cases with pictures on them for my mom, mother-in-law and a couple of other friends. I love modern technology.... you can print pictures right on cotton-twill fabric, in the comfort of your own home. I tried a pouch using the Amy Butler Work-A-Day pattern but didn't like how it turned out, so I made my own pattern (basically a smaller version of the wipe/dipe pouch). Much better :)

Here's a mom's day gift for Sue, my crafty sis-in-law. She loves black-eyed susans, and loves this print (it's a fabric from Joanne's that has a smocked top - she thought a dress might be a bit too much, but when I saw a 31" remnant a few weeks ago, I figured I could make something with it). It's a zippered-top dipes/wipes/bottle bag, with a long strap. I used the smocked part of the material for the bottle pocket part on the front - an easy way to have an expandable pouch! I've got a bunch of fabric left-over, so I might try and make a dress for Jordan... we'll see.

A couple of weeks ago a super nice woman named Sandy wrote re: the
Sakura onesie that I made for Sydney with some scraps from the wetbags that I made for Erin at
Diaper Daisy. She loved the patchwork skirts as well, and requested an outfit for her little girl, Sam. Luckily I scored the last yard of a coordinating print on EBAY and I love how it turned out!

I've also been in touch with Hoodie of
Hoodie's Collection (I have almost all of her patterns in my
EBAY store - if you haven't checked them out, they are worth a look - cute and functional!). She sent these behind-the-scenes pics from the SLC Quilt Market a few weeks ago. They are from her booth - she works with Michael Miller and was set up with them. How fun!!!! She also had MM send me fabric swatches of the fabric line (
Daisy Vibe) that she designed for them. They are gorgeous - I think I'll be contacting the fine people at MM! Thanks again Hoodie :)

I love this palette - "TANGERINE":

"SPICE" Palette (perfect for fall!):

"TEAL" Palette:

I'm off to sleep now - just wanted to pop on for a bit and say a quick HELLO! to everyone :) Good night! ~ Kris