Hello my crafty friends! Hope you're outside a bunch trying to squeeze out the last bits of summer like we are! I finally broke down and got some Crocs and I have to say that I *love* them. They are abnoxiously pink and I think that's what I love most!

Truth be told, we haven't had much time out on the boat in the past month - NH has seen it's share of almost-daily storms and the lakes are up ~ 15 inches! They are saying that a wet fall and winter are to follow... AGH!!!!! I'm trying to stay positive :)
Anyways, I don't have any new creations to share - hopefully with the fall weather will come earlier bed times and later rise times for the kiddos... which naturally translates to more time for mommy fun at night.
I did pick up a few things though to read sometime soon (don't you hate how amazon.com sucks you in with that free shipping over $25 deal?! Get's me every time!!)

The top book is something that I've been wanting for a while, and as it was one of the oldest items on my "Wish List", I figured it was time. I want to make Sydney some knit clothes for the fall and have been a bit apprehensive - hopefully this book will help.
Want your own FREE copy?
Stacy and I are giving away a copy at the start of Sept to one lucky contestant in our
SKIRT SEW-ALONG! The sew-along ends on August 31, so you still have time!!!
The second book (a fabulous baby gift making book by Amy Butler) is chock full of fun gift ideas that span from beginner to advanced sewing levels. I doubt that I'll ever attempt to make a whole crib set, but I really do like the stuffies, cloth blocks and baby clothes. I definitely recommend checking this one out - who doesn't love handmade baby goodies?
Also broke down and picked up some of
Heather Bailey's *GORGEOUS* Pop Garden fabric. I really wish I had the time to whip up a quilt with this stuff - it would be gorgeous! I'm not really sure what I'll do with it all - definitely will make some fun wet bags with many of the prints. Maybe a skirt for Sydney? (I'd actually love a skirt for
me in the diagonal fabric which is the second one from the left...). And the jelly bean dots? Too stinkin' cute!

That's about it - my days are mostly filled with chasing the little ones around, and defending my finished goods from the littlest one :) He's fast!

Good night! :) Kris