Oh! So much to share - I know I always say this, but I'll *really* try to be brief :)
Last week was tons of fun - Suzi (fantastic friend from Physical Therapy school who now lives in CO - hadn't seen her in 4 years!) and her son, Micah, came to visit and we had a blast playing with the kids and getting caught up. Didn't do a whole heck of a lot around here (bad weather and tricky nap schedules are to blame), but it didn't really matter b/c we were all together :)

We had big plans to do some crafting at night, but by the time we got the kids down and a bowl of ice-cream eaten we usually were too tired. We did start some cute critters from
THE CUTE BOOK and I'm hoping to finish them up this week sometime. Of course I didn't have the right embroidery thread colors, so they've been added to today's Walmart list :)
Here's BIRD and SPRITE patiently waiting to be finished...

He's gonna be a cutie!

Before Suz and Micah came I was able to finish up some WIP's (little gifts for friends / babies, and some customer orders) - of course there's still a ton more in the "to-do" basket, but it felt great to get a few things done! Here's a couple of pics:
A smaller version of the Belle Patchwok bag - "Baby Belle" for Adrienne (she has the coolest EBAY user ID: yoyoadrienne !)

And at our last little craft night/fondue fest, I finally finished the necklace and earring set!

A fun skirt for Raina (actually finished yesterday) - she saw the girl patchwork skirts I made a few weeks ago and thought they'd be neat as an adult skirt. (I'm secretly hoping it doesn't fit so I can keep this one for myself!).

As for my Aussie Love of late... check out these fabulous prints that arrived last week!
When I saw the MOLLY BIRDS print on
Kristen Doran's site a while ago, I added it to my wish list.. well, I couldn't resist any longer :) Also picked up some of her fun Owl fabric - there's owls of all different sizes to make lots of different things with (softies, etc.).

My other new fav is
AUNTY COOKIE from Etsy. I love this fun HOME SWEET HOME print and instantly fell in love with the knitting fabric as well.

There's about a 1/2 yard of this fabric - I think it would be a great wall-hanging for the kitchen!

I'm off to run to the dump and Walmart! Have a great day everyone!
PS: Almost forgot to mention a fun new
REVERSIBLE bag pattern that I just added to my site - it's from
Grand Revival, and there's several ways to change / customize it. Tanya's fabrics are gorgeous as well!