August has definitely brought tons of life to the woods around us - there's a fisher cat that has been stalking our house at night, I saw a black bear running down the street yesterday afternoon (SOOOO happy we didn't plant blueberry bushes or sunflowers!) and then tonight I found this little froggie hanging out on the window by our front door - too cute! (that yellow blob is Higgins, our yellow lab). We have HUNDREDS of these little froggies scurrying about the yard lately - some days it look like we have a bunch of fleas jumping all around :)

Sewing-wise I've been working on a slew of new custom orders, including several of the double-pocket wet bags. I love this bag b/c it's so incredibly functional - the front pocket is lined with ProCare (as well as the large inner pocket) and the seams are sealed too, so you can put wet stuff in 2 pockets! I think the large would be perfect for a gym bag for girls - hair stuff and deo in the the front, and stinky clothes inside :) For the cloth-diapering folk, the front can hold dry dipes or wet wipes, and the inside can hold the wet dirties. So many possibilities :)
A lovely customer from CA called the other week and requested some bags - here's some of what's coming to her:
Large Double Zip Stroller bag (2 snap straps!)
in Blue Gothic Rose and Clay Coriander
in Blue Gothic Rose and Clay Coriander

XL Double Zip bag with long adjustable and removeable strap
in Olive Lacework and Lime Dot
(there are d rings at the top and sides so the strap can be attached 2 different ways - hands free carrying!)
in Olive Lacework and Lime Dot
(there are d rings at the top and sides so the strap can be attached 2 different ways - hands free carrying!)

Hopefully this weekend I can finish up the Sew-Along project. Where the heck did August go?!
Happy Back to School Everyone!! :) Kris
Happy Back to School Everyone!! :) Kris