Hi everyone! Yes... I'm still here - and no longer pregnant! YIPPEE!!!
Baby Matthew James joined us on his due date (4/4) and was a healthy 8 lb, 5 oz. and 21 inches. Neither of us had any complications / issues, so we were able to come home on time. He's such an alert and happy little guy! Can't believe that he's our last, but I can't fathom having another one... I'm definitely savoring every snuggle with this little guy!

This past month has been one BIG blur... managing the three little ones on less than optimum levels of sleep has been a bit rough, but I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel :) Matthew is sleeping longer stretches at night and we've gotten our daytime routine pretty much down. I decided to start potty training Sydney (3 y/0) once Matthew reached 1 month old and she's doing incredibly well :) The first couple of days were rough, but now she's a champ (at home at least... outside is a different story, but we've got the summer to work on it!). This means she can go to preschool in the fall! YEY!
I'm also starting to sew a bit again - oh how I've missed it! So many projects that I'd love to do - all in due time :) I'm itching to whip up some skirts for spring and summer, but really would prefer to get a bit closer to my pre-baby weight. I think I'll get the go-ahead from the doc next week to resume running, so that will help!
In case you're curious of new arrivals to the shop, here's a few:

I had actually planned on finishing these before Matthew came - had everything cut out, pinned and ready to sew on Friday night, thinking I had the weekend to finish them up. Then the next morning I went into labor... 6 weeks later and I've finally been able to get them done! Feels great!
I also have
my website shop all stocked up (new designs!)- all wet bags are $2 off through the end of May, and shipping is free for all orders over $50!
Off to bed now - will pop back in soon with some new fabric and pattern finds. I love this time of the year - just wish I could make it to market to see it all in person!