Yep - it's nearing that time (again...)! We're in the final countdown - baby is due 4/4, so it's time to start getting clothes washed, the co-sleeper set up, and the bags packed. Here's the view from above:

And the side:

I feel like a house.
So what else is new? Geez... it's been ages! The kids are really keeping me busy, and all of this white stuff has had us pretty entertained this winter:

We'll have most of it until the beginning of May - seriously. We call it perma-snow up here, but we're used to it, so there's no sense of complaining about it :)
Aside from mommy duties, I've been working hard to stock up on wet bags so I can take some time off when baby comes. I've been sorting through my stash and making some new bags out of random yardage that never made it into their intended purpose. Here's a few favorites that I have listed in
my Etsy shop:

I've got a ton more to sew up - hopefully baby will wait a bit to let me get this creative surge out of my system :)
Andalucia is next on the list.... finally get to play with that gorgeous fabric (just in time for spring!).
Hope you all are well! Have a great weekend! :) Kris