Hi all!!!! Yep... we're pregnant again!!!! The final (trust me....) Baby Valenti will join us in early April of next year and we find out next month whether we're having a little girl or boy. I'm ~ 15 weeks along now and am *very* happy to be out of the icky first trimester. In general I do really well when pregnant, but the first trimester is always the hardest - tired, and just generally off my game. I'm starting to feel like my old self again - perfect timing for the upcoming holidays!!!
We found out the big news on Frank's actual 40th birthday in late July- it'll be a birthday that he'll never forget!
Not much else new is really happening around here. Fall is everywhere, so we're grabbing at every opportunity to be outside while we still can. Our eldest dog, Higgins, turned 12 this month - Happy Birthday Higgy!

Also have been working on the front yard a bit here and there - am pretty much done planting bulbs (irises, daffodils and tulips ) - 90 down and ~ 40 more to go. Talk about tedious.... The toughest part of planting them is that our land is incredibly rocky, so I can get a few inches and then need to either extract HUGENORMOUS rocks (with the help of Frank if he's around), skip the area, or just plant and hope for the best. I'll be interested to see what actually comes up next spring...

We've been doing a lot of rock and leaf hunting / gathering lately - Sydney seems to be pretty smitten with the red and gold ones :) It takes us an hour to walk our 1/4 mile neighborhood loop, but she loves every minute of it, so it's worth it!

Off to start the day! Brother Ben's first birthday was yesterday and we're having a birthday party for him and 2 other little boys this morning - the kids get to wear their Halloween costumes, so it should be a fun time! I'll take pics of the gifts later and post them next time :) Happy fall everyone!