As for the eggplant.... check out this picture:

I found this gem while cleaning out some files in our cabinet (still working on the room re-dos upstairs - we're almost done!). I SWEAR that I didn't use any kind of Photoshop magic on this guy! The picture is from ~ 2002, during our stint living in Boston. The local grocery store had amazing produce, so I often bought the sale stuff that's at the back of the store - you know, the produce that has minor defects that is wrapped in cellophane on those little trays. The package I picked up had 2 normal looking eggplants in it. I just about peed myself when I opened up the package later at home. It's like one of those funny veggies from the FOOD ART book. Cracks me up every time I look at it :)
As for updates around here, I've been working on stocking up my wholesalers:
(some wetbags for Erin at Diaper Daisy)

and getting some gifts done (there's always birthdays and other little celebrations going on). Here's some outfits for Anna's 3rd birthday (excuse the poor pics - my camera croaked and the one I'm using can be weird with lighting).
I finished up another skirt for Raina - I've got to make some of these for myself once this baby is out!

Haven't had a ton of sewing time lately b/c nap-time has been devoted to the upstairs rooms. Our room is completely done except for washing windows, hanging wood blinds and getting some curtains up. Hopefully the first 2 will get done this weekend - I'm not in any big rush to do the curtains. The middle room (guest room / office / craft room) needs some little things done as well, but the main goal this w/e is getting the bed set-up so I can sleep there with the little guy when he comes (to avoid waking up hubby the first weeks when we're still getting the night nursing down).
Construction started a week or so ago and so far it's been going well - long-story-short, the back room of our house wasn't built correctly so we need to have a frost wall built and a zillion other things to keep it from pulling further away from the house.

And here's a belly update (a pic from last week, but you get the jist) :)