Anyways, on to the good stuff! As I revealed in my last post, we are pregnant again! We've known since 2/1, but decided this time to keep it to ourselves for a bit. I'm 10 weeks along now and things are going well, as far as I can tell. Nausea is not as much an issue this time as fatigue (and a little crankiness, as my hubby will attest to), but that all comes with the territory. After being through this all recently, I'm finding that I'm not nervous at all about this pregnancy, and find comfort in knowing generally what to expect. Every baby is different and we can't wait to meet him/her!
I mentioned last time as well that I'd post some pics. Here ya go!
This first one is special - as mom explains, this candle is the candle that my brother, myself, our niece Jordan, and now Sydney used to celebrate the Big #1 - I am amazed that it hasn't broken in 30+ years! (and of course I love that it's a monkey!)

March is a month of birthday's for our family - my mom, sister-in-law, and niece! Sydney's due date was March 4th.... luckily she came early and can celebrate in February with Nana and Grandpa :)
Here's a pic of a toddler tote that I made for Jordan - I had picked up 2 lavender tutus in Target months ago and planned to make this for her for Christmas (Jordan takes dance lessons and I thought it'd be a fun bag for her). I'm glad that I waited b/c Sue (sis-in-law) scored some great yardage of this older Amy Butler print that is perfect for this bag! Jordan's comment? "Look Grandma! My bag has a skirt!" Too cute :)

For Mom and Sue, I made some aprons and matching fabric headbands (apron pattern is from Amy Butler's In Stitches). Mom loves daisy's and blue, so she received this one:

Sue is more into earth tones, so I made this one for her:

Both are made with fabrics from Amy Butler's new line: LOTUS. *Gorgeous!*
As for other odds and ends, I finally received my pre-ordered LOTTA JANSDOTTER book! There's a lotta (hee, hee - couldn't resist that one!) practical and fun projects in this book - she's a Swede, I'm a Swede (well, half Swede), and I love her stuff - modern and practical. Here's some favorite pics:


Cool tote (I'm not so fond of the pocket for the paper - looks neat, but I personally don't carry a paper with me these days):

Reversible apron! (definitely on the TO DO list):

I also received some fun goodies while I was away - some new cloth diapers and BABY LEGS from Erin at Diaper Daisy, and the cutest onesie from Jen of BeeBeeMod (thanks JEN!!!!!).Just when I thought those onesies couldn't get any cuter!! I was hoping to dress Sydney up in her new duds (the pink things in the pic are the BABY LEGS), but it's cold and rainy here today :( Maybe tomorrow!

Here's a pic of the goodie that DEB sent - thank you again!!!

Oh! I almost forgot! Check out this yarn by Bernat - it makes stripes as you knit it! This little guy is a keyhole toddler scarf for a friend in NYC - I love how it's working up - I bought the yarn b/c I liked the different blues. Who knew?!

Hmmm.... on "New Product" news, my order of patterns from HOODIE'S COLLECTION is on it's way and should arrive next week. YIPPEE!!!! Amy Butler also has some new patterns that she will be releasing this spring - what do you guys think?

Hope you all have a great week! PS: Thanks for all of the well-wishes and congrats! We're excited!!! : ) Kris
OOOOH, what a fun post this was! I love the candle and how you've managed to keep it a family tradition all these years! And all the goodies, patterns, and inspriations are wonderful today. I'm excited about the book (on my wish list) and the new Amy Butler patterns. Thanks for sharing everything!
I love how the aprons came out with the Lotus fabric and the new amy butler patterns! OOOOH! You're totally welcome for the onesie! Takes some pics of syd in it!
wow, great post ^^, those aprons you made are adorable!! love the combination of lotus that you used, so beautiful :).
Can't wait for the new patters!! love them all , I just can't have enough of Amy's patters , Wish i had them all, I hope you carry them at your ebay store
Take Care!
Congratulations! I LOVE baby news! We are expecting our first niece or nephew in August! I can't wait to be an Aunty! Love all your pics!
Oh i didn't get the skirt one! too cute. But i just bought the favrotie things cute skirt pattern. I hope they aren't too similar. Wow you are working on a lot. Guess what, I am signing a build contract tomorrow. I will send pictures (i always say it but i do mean to) of what the house will look like sort of.
Hi, My name is Denise and i was searching for the monkey candle you show in your blog. That is the same candle I had for my first birthday and I am trying to find it for my sons first birthday next month. Where did you find it!?
Thanks! Denise
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