While I was sick, I picked up some new (to me) reads to add to my sewing library - I figure if I can't do any projects, I might as well read about some and get my TO DO list updated a bit. A big (and pleasant surprise) was the newest BETTER HOME AND GARDEN'S "Quilts and More" magazine that I snatched at the grocery store. I was lured in by the picture at the upper right corner (I love seeing fabrics from designers that I love!!!) and figured I'd pick it up. I'm not a big quilt person, but there are some neat quilt ideas in here, and a TON of other fun ideas:

This one is for a table runner - I'd love to adapt it to make placemats. FUN!!!

Some fun spring-time aprons:

A quilt project that actually interests me.... (FreshCut, LOTUS, hmmmmm)

A fun gift!

Another great idea - I've been wanting to play with felt for a while now...

Who knew such fun was lurking at the grocery store?!
I also received Cynthia Treen's LAST MINUTE FABRIC GIFTS a few days ago. I've had this one on my Amazon wish list for a while now and decided to splurge the big $12 or so when I ordered a few copies of my favorite book to give to babies. The projects in the book are divided by the amount of time they take. There's some quirky projects, but some I'd definitely like to try.
This one reminds me something that Tara might like: (it's a bag made from a coat sleeve)

And check out this Bunny!!!!! She gives you instructions to make the bunny and the cute garden mat that it sits on.

My last fun find is from Walmart (of all places!). I went to get some interfacing for my belts and stumbled on some super fun smocked fabric! JoAnne's has some as well (my sister-in-law, Sue, made an adorable dress for Sydney with some fabric from there) but being as how I have to drive 40 minutes to the nearest one.... Walmart won :) Here's the fabric and ribbon I picked up (purple for Jordan, strawberries for Syd):

And here's the little project sheet/instructions that they had displayed with it:


I have to run now, but I'll post more later!
PS: Three new Amy Butler patterns are in and posted in my EBAY store!
PPS: Just received my new business cards, hang tags and clothing labels from Dianna Wright! I love them!