I think one of the best things I've done this month is to re-visit the slow cooker. I seriously L-O-V-E it!!!! Dinner tonight took me 6 minutes to prepare. And it was healthy. And it was good. And it finished cooking while we were all at the playground. Love that. Would so much rather play than cook any night!
Got a favorite slow cooker recipe? Please share your favorites! There are a ton on the web, but I'd so much rather try your favorites :)
Post them here before October 15 and you'll be entered to win an Almond Sparrows Large (14" x 14") Wet bag (one of my best sellers!). I'll use the random number generator to pick a winner and announce the winner on Oct 16th.
Speaking of Almond Sparrows, here's a super cute small double pocket bag made for another wonderful Etsy customer earlier in the month: (tweet tweet!)
Happy fall everyone! :)Kris
Post them here before October 15 and you'll be entered to win an Almond Sparrows Large (14" x 14") Wet bag (one of my best sellers!). I'll use the random number generator to pick a winner and announce the winner on Oct 16th.