Hello everyone! I'm a bit shocked to realize that it's been 2 weeks since I've posted. Bad, bad blogger...
Here's some photos from what I've been up to since being on last. Pictures are always more fun than words :)
Made a fun tablecloth and napkin set for a friend's daughter to use for her tea set (used Ginger Blossom fabric - cute!)

Had to make something else with the
Linen Morning Glory Fabric, so Sydney got some new duds to wear to Auntie's graduation from Simmon's on Sat (pardon the pics - lighting isn't very good at midnight!). Congrats again Lin!

She HATES to pose...

Made this bag for a wonderful EBAY customer named Charlotte - I forgot how much I enjoy making these!

(no... I don't lie down with the camera for these shots - my camera has a cool hinged lens)

Made some bib and burp cloth sets for Megan, a friend of a friend, for some of her friends. Had a lot of fun with these as well - a great break from wet bags.

This is another 60-80
wet bag month, so that's honestly where most of my sewing time has been going. We had a run of gorgeous weather as well, so we finally got to play outside! Found this little gem though... It's a hornet hive and is literally over a foot and a half long. Hubby and I are too scared to touch it, so we pretend that it's not there (and hope that a bear will think it's food!). We had a HUGE black bear in our yard last weekend (per the neighbors). Scary.

Hmm.. what else... Celebrated Mother's Day with 2 home cooked meals by Hubby and was able to clean the upstairs of the house while he watched the kids (for me that's a BIG thing!). Also had a birthday last week that was pretty uneventful. Ben has been having some rough nights, so all I honestly wanted to do all day was catch up on sleep. Made for a relaxing birthday!
Melody tagged me forever ago to share what's in my bag... Here we go! I carry a black GAP diaper backpack that I bought from someone in Canada (found her on Craigslist). A friend has this bag and LOVES it... I have to agree that it is, hands down, the most functional bag I own right now.
And yes, I feel like a sherpa.

Top pouch is perfect for a cell phone and some form of lip goo. I have "full" (aka BIG) lips so I need to keep 'em moisturized.

The back part has a neat pocket too - perfect for a reusable shopping bag and Joanne's coupons. The bag also has 2 side pockets that are great for water bottles and snacks.

Unzip the top and you'll see that it's pretty much stuffed.

Here's the bag after everything was dumped out... wow... I carry a lot of stuff! We went to the science center in the morning, so this is a perfect example what I have for a morning out. Snacks for Syd and Ben, 3 wet bags - one to put dirty diapers in, one for dirty bibs and one to hold my misc "stuff", toys, more lip goo, wipes, burp cloths, science center info, and diapers.

Business cards, pens and mints. The true essentials.

Random last little tidbit - the past few weeks I've been REALLY into these:

When the kids go down for nap, I spoil myself with a yummy sandwich made with a whole wheat wrap, hummus, cheese, turkey and avocado. Heaven :)
Will be back soon with more - it's late (again)!
OH! One last thing... Stacy and I are extending the
Emmeline Sew Along deadline to June 15th. Don't know about you guys, but this month is flying by!